Thursday, January 23, 2014


And she asked about originality.

I answered her: my dear being original doesn’t mean the detestation of the world or looking down to people it is something profound and deep … it is the rejection of the world in its current structure and the consistent attempts to change it through our action and our being, it is the unending battle to defeat our negativity by the strength of our positivity presence … originality doesn’t allow you to judge other people or despite people because of their behaviors, it is more about showing none acceptance for such ignorance and arrogance and accordingly raise above it. Originality, is the ability to be you, only you as clear and honest as you could be; take the water as example: it is original because it never changes its form according to what its environment, water is always water in a glass of gold or glass of mud … it saves our lives in any way we drink it because water is just water always simple yet very important for the existence of all creatures and always will be. So we should just be ourselves and serve our purpose of existence without attempts to make our presence in this planet more glorious or important than it really is, we should be ourselves with all transparency we can … originality speaks up its mind, expresses its feeling and enjoys its moment, most important originality works with life not against it because it knows that those who go against life will always lose; only then we will be important enough because we served and fulfilled our duty in this life.

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