Saturday, December 28, 2013

The deadly bigotry of Islam

WARNING: as I begin I just want to mention that I don’t intend to insult anyone or offend anyone’s feelings… my main goal of writing my blog is to speak up my mind and express my thoughts; if you will be offended of serious criticism of Islam then it is the time to navigate from this page to another Islam friendly page because I am about to get really hard on my religion and my people and yes I am Muslim and still Muslim despite whatever you might think …. So, shall we start?!

Chaos is spreading through the Middle East and the Islamic world, proxy wars are invading all taboos and smashing against the wall all the values we brag and preach people about;  killing spread to include even Muslims from the same sects and the classic excuses and fatwas became really lame, from the east to west from north to south Muslims have committed the most brutal and hideous crimes with the name of Islam and unfortunately the only thing the majority of Muslims have said or done is the usual classic “that’s not part of the real Islam” .. so brothers and sisters what is the real Islam, and who the hell is representing this type of Islam. For a thousand times I said if the followers of a certain religion are not the representatives of this religion then what’s the point of this religion in the first place!!
During the last decade or so, a lot of what we call the spirit of Islam has been compromised not once or twice but over and over again and the majority of Muslims all over the world done nothing serious to stop this madness, in fact, people became even more radical than before! I am not suggesting to do a revolution against anyone but at least we should start to question and investigate what we are following as Islam and maybe try to find this “Real Islam” between the ruins that the current version of Islam left behind. Let’s do a quick check for what we claim is the spirit of Islam we have violated during the last decade:

Islam is a peaceful religion; I am sorry but I can stop laughing while writing this, peace hmmm; I think either we check our definition for peace or easier to admit that the Islam today has nothing in common with peace at all.... if you chose the first one then we can go in debate for pages about how the Islam practiced today had nothing  to do with peace, I don’t care how many versus people will present from the Quran but if you are not practicing these things then please just open any news channel and watch to know how peaceful Islam is.
Islam doesn’t contradict with common sense and logic, this one is funny too but it doesn’t make me laugh as much because I find it hard to believe how people with a brain can believe what those radicals believe, 70 virgin wives in heaven for killing people ….. Really! Or should I mention Jihad marriage, even better if I mention the adults’ breastfeeding …right?! I think these three examples are enough to make my point but if you are interested in knowing more just check the Wahhabi Fatwas and the interpretation of the Quran for Ibn Katheer or just browse Sahih Muslim or Bukhari and I assure you will be amused.

Islam spread through tolerance and acceptance of others … okay, maybe but can I know why  Muslims then kill apostates, gay or non-Muslims? Another one, why the only thing we read about Islam spread throughout the world is through invasions? Is that what tolerance stands for in our dictionary and is killing is the synonym of acceptance of others???

Muslims are the example of morals and values and any Muslims will talk to you about this will use prophet  Muhammed’s saying “I was sent to complete the good morals” but a quick visit to the street of a Muslim country may leave you speechless, men are harassing women constantly, though they are fully covered, people are so dirty and they have the worst morals and habits; they curse, make fun of others and they are the worst racists in the world through every behavior I mentioned here was mentioned in the Quran or hadith and Muslims were ordered to avoid these behaviors … of course I am not talking about all Muslims but I am talking about the majority of them or the social groups they live in.

I honestly can keep going on and on and on through this list but I only need to give examples to make my point, I am not criticizing Islam just to make fun of it, I just want my brothers and sisters in Islam to start thinking about Islam, reject the classic ideology and fix what needs to be fixed, we start from ourselves, our families, and small societies … we should stop following scholars blindly; and why we need them in the first place, most people are educated and can read through the Quran themselves and can find their own interpretation, why we all should follow the same thing when we are so different .. as well, we should reject violence in general under any excuse, against any human being because according to our Quran we were sent to build-up this planet not to destroy it, we should value human life and human being because we all brothers and sisters, and the most important this is to stop using Islam as an identity because this is the major problem and the way government used to serve their own interest since Moawia took the power and created the first The Islamic state, Islam is more of a lifestyle; changeable lifestyle, you can create your own Islam according to your life depending on your data, why we would allow some people living in their own castles in Macca, Tehran or wherever to tell us how to live our lives and how to practice Islam, isn’t the whole idea of Islam as the third and last Abrahamic religion is fixed what was missing in Judaism and Christianity?
Finally, despite all madness and craziness going on, I am hopeful that this dark period is just the beginning of new Islamic renaissance, where people start to take over their lives and beliefs and look to Islam with logic and with investigator’s eyes, not just follow blindly, because that’s not the way God created us and I am pretty sure is not the way he chose for us, he blessed us with the amazing brain with fascinating abilities to think and investigate, to research and invent. He gave as the gift of foresight to have a belief that guide our senses to a better life, where we make this planet a better place for us and others … or what is the point of religion if it will only lead us to more ugliness and brutality.. Think about that as I leave you with these ideas.


  1. An interesting blog that has nothing to do with Islam, first, when you want to criticize practices, don't attack the religion itself, all what you have been describing is practices of practitioners of Islam it doesn't indicate necessarily that they represent Islam. If you are giving examples that Islamic was built on invading other states, then a trip to history is also worthwhile, America or the land of the free as it is called was built on whites confiscating the rights of the native Indians to their own land, Israel is built on the land of the Palestinians and I can go on and on and on... You are questioning what is true Islam and at the same time you say you are a Muslim, so tell me what do you represent as a Muslim if it is so awful and bad then how come you as an intellectual person why don't you convert or run away from Islam! For the sakes of subjectivity, it is worth mentioning; since you are trashing Muslims around the world that those same Muslims are donating the maximum they have to their brothers and sisters in Syria. Those same Muslims opened their doors for Syrians! As much as there are negative things about Islamic practitioners practices there are the good ones too, it is the media that only highlights the bad ones, as A Muslim it is our duty to represent the true Islamic values, that plants within us the sense of generosity, commune solidarity, ethical behavior,…etc. I hope that my comment is shied lights to corners you didn’t take into consideration.

  2. Thank you for your comment I highly appreciate it :)
    My question to you, what is the point of a religion "any religion" if it doesn't change people or polish their behaviors is it only say Islam is great, Islam is wonderful without practicing it ourselves! then why God send these religions if it will not to fix the human nature.
    Yes I am Muslim and I insist that I am a Muslim because though I reject certain thing I still like a lot, criticizing doesn't mean I want to convert; and even if I want to I don't need the permission from anyone ... the point that I said I am a Muslim to shed the fact that I still Muslim I will criticize Islam and point the wrong practices and say it is wrong because simply I am not scared, for me Islam as any other religion is a massage of God to humanity to acknowledge his existence, to build up this planet and this life; to fight the evil within us and try to live peacefully with others not by eliminating others or calling them as infidels and beheading them!
    I think you looked at the criticize the wrong way, you didn't see it as a call to fix the errors but you thought it is my way to trash Islam, I invite you to reread the article again with good intention and open mind and you will get my point.
    Last but not least, the point you mentioned about Syrians and Arabs doesn't prove a thing, if you wanna prove how peaceful we are and how human we are, tell me a story about Muslims opened their doors and hearts or donated for real for non Muslims communities then I will tell you you are right but since we still treat non Muslims as less human we are still trapped in being superior and will never practice what Islam is all about!

  3. Thanks for your reply, I did read your article but apparently you didn't get what i was saying, If you want to criticize people practicing Islam be my guest, I will even join you but criticize the practitioners not the discipline, don't doubt that Islam is the religion of peace doubt that Muslims are not good messengers of this message! We are humans after all, and we have a good kind part and an evil part and sometimes the evil dominates, that at all is not the fault of the religion and specifically Islam.
    When problems arose in Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and Palestine, the cargoes that went was not meant for Muslims only, it was sent to Arabs with different religions and different sects, it is never labeled as "for Muslims only". Second, just because you don't know about it, it doesn't mean that there isn't many campaigns and assistance goes from Muslim countries to Africa and other developing countries that are not Islamic.
    I have no idea from where you got the idea that we feel we are superior, it was not a practice by our prophet, nor it was anywhere in Quran, in fact, it is one of the fundamental teachings of Quran that "لافرق بين عربي ولا أعجمي إلا بالتقوى" and what is meant by Taqwa is not Islam as much as it means beholding the idea of a greater existence that sees every move we make and every decision we take in every aspect of life. I hope this clarifies my point of view and I don't disagree with you that not all Muslims are not good representatives of the religion, but that doesn't give us the right to criticize a religion that was sent by God through Mohammed peace be upon him.
