Wednesday, August 10, 2016

On Human Nature - The good, the bad and the crazy

          The other day I was having a coffee with a friend when he said that he believes people are good but with all happening around us make him doubt it though he believes deep down "we are good". This has been the question I have always been asking myself, a question I failed to answer without extending my thoughts to the whole idea of our existence, morals and self-interest. Questions raised during my whole life and I was unable to answer them until recently.

           I am sure anyone reading this has asked themselves that question many times during their lives and most probably they were unable to find a definite answer that describes humans as collective groups and give a general concept of what we really are. You shouldn’t feel bad about not finding the answer. Philosophers and thinkers have always discussed the human nature and the natural law; Plato, Aristotle, Micaville down to Hobbes and locke and no one was able to achieve a consensus on the subject, so why should you bother!

       The truth I bother, and I can die in my search for answers. I have always been that way, sometimes I felt like losing my mind in a literal sense not metaphoric in any way but I couldn’t stop and I didn’t. and I can say years of reading philosophy, psychology and neurology add to that experiences and observation gave me a personal understanding of the human nature that adds more mystery and vagueness to the whole concept but for me it is a step closer, it is better than to accept what John Locke believed or agree with Tomas Hobbes thoughts. Eventually, they might be right but for themselves not necessarily for others.

          I think no one was able to achieve consensus regarding human nature because there isn’t one. There is no such mold that we can describe as “this is the human nature” I think human nature is unique as a fingerprint or as humans themselves, no matter how many patterns we share or features we have in common, our true nature still fluid, can be shaped and reshaped differently as much as we are willing to and as much as how our environment shaped us. Social structures may have always tried to manipulate our human nature and shape it into what is common by creating norms and trends that might make ordinary people think what they have known and experience is the true rightful human nature, which is somehow correct but not completely. It is right because it is what they chose to believe but something totally the opposite can be what other people is believing the true rightful human nature.
          The one reality here is that we are born blank, like a white paper, there is no good and no bad, there is only our belief of good and bad that is completely influenced by our background, soundings, and society around us. It is shaped by what we are exposed to and what we absorb depending on our abilities and circumstances. Nothing more nothing less, but we are unable to understand this or accept it because it makes us feel out of control. Maybe what is scarier is to admit that we have nothing in common as humans except for what we created and believed.
          For so many, this might sound very incoherent, not understandable or worse complete madness. And who am I to judge J I think the problem is that we are slaves for our social and political norms which help controlling the masses and create the civilizations we have created because honestly not everyone is privileged enough to investigate such ideas, not every person has the capacity to understand this or even more importantly utilize it. It is way easier to believe that we are pre-molded to good or bad than to discover the true you, to dive so deep in the caves of your existence to know what kind of human you are, challenge the norms if they don’t fit you and accept the difference in others. It is way simpler to think there is some truth in concepts, than to get lost, and it is way more comforting to think that things do exist for a reason because honestly speaking I don’t think there are many people who can handle the idea of “no purpose” in this life. It is freeing to know that concepts are just illusions but it can be so damn maddening for some people, they will go crazy if they thought there is no purpose for their lives or that our whole existence is just an explained empty space; that so simple to understand yet so complicated to comprehend. It is so fascinating to know that we are NOTHING, yet so crazy. For me, it is fascinating because it opens unknown doors and give us freedom and more options to explore not only ourselves but the whole universe but for another person, it is crazy to understand that we are literally, nothing, our concepts, values, and ideologies are just illusions of what we were somehow designed to adapt and accept because that shatters what they know and put them in the dark, and let’s face it, the majority of people hate the darkness!
          I think the best way to describe my idea is using the atoms as an example, although it is made of 99.9% of empty space but still, we know it is there and it still forms and shapes our whole universe and existence, the same with human nature, although it is not molded in any shape or measured by any concepts it is still there making us who we are; as great as the atom limitless but as well misunderstood. We develop hypothesis and theories in attempts to understand but we won’t, at least not fully. It is so different and changeable that every time you look we will see it differently, affected by so many things that we are still can’t fully comprehend.
          Is that an easy idea to live with, of course not, such thoughts can make your head spins in circles. Acknowledging that you are nothing can be both freeing and terrifying idea, mainly depends on your character. You can see yourself as limitless nothing and be whatever you want to be or you can be whining nothing and cry that your whole life was a lie and struggle to find who you truly are.  From the other hand, I personally believe not all people are psychologically or mentally capable of accepting such harsh reality, after all for centuries we have been building these ideas and concepts that all became the only truth some people know and that serves other people to keep the current structure of the world and humans as collective groups and so far I don’t think we are ready for such drastic change. Imagine a person who has been fed on hate and intolerance for their whole life, believing that killing is not bad nor good? That’s a nightmare no one would like to even imagine and that example why the world is yet not ready now for the freedom of not molding human nature into concepts, ideologies, and morals.

          To sum up, although crazy ideas can’t come to an end. My belief of the human nature, our existence, and morals is simple, we don’t have any, we struggle to create a common sense of what it might be but it is all just illusions we believed in and they are just as real as we want them to be, there is no good nor bad in this life. What is good is what we came to believe is good for us and our surrounding and what is bad what we have usually told is bad for us and our surroundings. Is that the best way to live, maybe for some but in general sense it is not because we have way more potentials than what we have been told to have, and we are cuffed by what is the best for the collective groups not what best for us, and guess what? What is best for the collective groups is to stay ignorant and tied by some ideas someone in the seventeenth century believed to be right because it serves the elite to stay where they are as long as possible. Some will argue that is working for us in general sense. I won’t disagree with that but the truth is, that it is working because we created a the whole system that established on the current ideas of human nature, morals, structures … etc and we are unable within these circumstances to see beyond that or proof otherwise and any drastic change in this understanding will create disaster because we still not ready for that sort of change that gives humans that kind of freedom and I am not sure we will ever be ready for that kind of freedom!

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