Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Spirituality .. The Lost Jewel

            Been a while since I got in touch with myself and as a result, I was unable to write anything meaningful or worth reading, but since it is the night of the last day of the year I glued myself to the laptop to write something. Writing for me is the freedom from everything and the way I keep my well-being, I use it as an indicator for my mental and spiritual stability and balance because when I am fine and balanced I can find the words and express my thoughts clearly inflow of words but when there is chaos in my heart or mind all words get scared and hide in the caves of my very complicated mind.

The last five months were not so easy, I had so much going on in a result, I was unable to clearly see what really happening and where all the chaos started, when there is any problem in life the solution always lays in the problem itself, we need to know the root cause to figure out a solution and to anticipate future problems and put solutions for them before they even occur; That was my strategy for so many years but when chaos occupy something for a long time then it is easy to get distracted and lose your sharp mind and focus and that was my case but I am grateful that this happened because it helped me to realize more interesting facts that I kind of let it slip from my mind recently.

During our journey in life we get occupied, busy and distracted by too many things, we have so many things to chase; career, relationships, finance, knowledge, ambition… etc and especially with modern life and all the knowledge we gain during our journey we just start to ignore the very basic things that keep us as individuals sane and balanced which is I might call it spiritualties, others may call it religions, energy whatever. Whatever you call it; this balance weight is something a lot of us ignore or dismiss during our hectic journey because we think we are smart for that and it a result of a big mess and chaos that usually we don’t even think twice it might be caused by what may some call stupid reasons.

If we will think about the whole spirituality realm, I think we would find simple answers to everything including why religions and all philosophies exist. Brain is an amazing mechanism, and incredible organ that works consistently without break, without having time out, but I do believe it can get overwhelming for our brain sometimes and this can mess us up, because it is not clear for us when to quit and give our brain a break, always mental health was unimportant issue because usually it doesn't lead to major defect in our body, it usually reflects in our psychological and mental health which is not something obvious for others in most cases; it is something we can hide and don’t give it a big attention, and a long with the bad reputation mental disorders had it made it even more complicated to touch this issues.

Anyways, the simple humans lived thousands of years ago, realized that our brain and soul need a break without making it accumulating all this exhaustion to a real issue, and because the life long way back was unpolluted and the mentality and thinking of people lived there were simple they came up with meditation, prayers, Yoga, Kabala …etc as a daily ritual that somehow with the time it started to be connected with higher reasons and purposes and voila .. we had a way, but with time people started to neglect that part because we grow more knowledgeable and smart for such legends and stories and between our fight and quarrels to undermine the importance of religions or philosophies and who is right and who is wrong we lost the important thing behind all of this, the balance weights for our existence, it doesn't matter if you pray, meditate, practice Yoga, whatever; the important thing that this practice is not stupid or without reason, and people a long time ago didn't come up with it for no reason, they had a simpler life than we have now still they saw the need to cut time out daily, weekly or even monthly to restore the balance in your mind and soul, you need to give their mind a break from thinking about urgent things to focus on clearing up some pending issues or just reorganize thoughts and re-energize, it might sound silly to some but only people who practice that know it really does work, having a ritual to rest our brain keep us, focused on what really matters, keep us happy because it directs us to what is important and most importantly it makes us emotionally and mentally balanced and stable.

Some might agree, some might not but I am a big believer in this and the last five months, actually to be totally honest, the last  two years of my life proved to me that what we think of is who we are, I always had my rituals, sometimes they were religious sometimes they were just what I created for myself but they always helped me to find my way and be who I am, during our fight to find our way we might reject valuable concepts that were covered by lies or illusions that we despise but let’s not reject them because they belonged to something we didn't like … we should just take the valuable concepts out of the dust clean them and put them where they deserve to be.

So let’s start a new year where we take time out, without getting scared that others might think we are weak, let’s stay at home alone without getting shy that people may think we are introverts, let’s pray, meditate, practice whatever keeps us balanced without worrying how others judge us, let’s love ourselves enough to stop, working, studying or even taking care of our loved ones once in a while and go back to our caves and put things in order to be able to continue further in harmony between our mind, soul, and body where the whole mechanism works together not against each other.
We are what we think, so let’s take care of our brains the engines of thoughts and our souls the cisterns of our emotions.

Happy New Year and let 2015 bring all happiness, success and contentment to everyone in this planet.


  1. I hope you restored your inner serenity, but I am still curious to know what might have caused the disruption you experienced. Just to relate what happened to me, I have been through a severe disintegration within the past few months and I am still enduring it.
    Secondly, it is no doubt that your experience of diversity within cultures led you to regard spirituality in general to be an integral part in one's life, and you didn't exclude it to the form you were taught.
    Lastly, picking valuable concepts from the bush then designing your own garden is a hectic job in itself, yet I can't deny the beauty that lies within this endeavor.

  2. Thank you M Humaikani for you comment, in all honesty the disruption came from my hectic search for the truth, I wanted to reject all I was told and raised upon to be able to reach the real ultimate truth and that led finally to ugly unbalance within me, I am very spiritual person, not because I was raised as Muslim but because I am sensitive to certain things and my distance from spirituality for the sake of research done enough damage that I was lucky enough to be able to fix, add to that sometimes dark periods of your life leave you hopeless but eventually things will be back to their own nature. I hope you find your serenity soon as well and thank you for checking my posts that really keep me motivated.
