Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Life Where I Come From

       Where I come from everything is intense, we take everything to the extreme، we love extremely, we hate extremely as well … we express passionately, even when we shut up our silence full of meanings.
We use our hands, faces and all body language to convey what we want, we insist and stress on everything, we probably will remind you of something thousand times.
There in that warm soil; people will celebrate you when you go to them like it is a special occasion, we take luxury and fun to new horizons … we are relaxed and do not rush anything, we take it slow and enjoy every second when we can.
There you probably would not notice the difference between rich and poor because each of them spends till the last penny in their wallet and when you ask them how they manage they will smile and tell you that tomorrow has a God and he will take care of it!

All of this intensity is not a crazy choice or a weird desire but it comes from a deep understanding of life, with extreme life, people have to face every single day … they know that they have to live the day because tomorrow might never come, they value the seconds because they know it is the most important part of the time; actually, it is what makeup minutes and hours!
They express everything without holding back because they know they might have no other chance to express their love, hate, anger, joy and even boredom. They have faith and hope because they have no other choice and that is the only thing they afford to feel to be able to survive!
Life is celebrated when everything is going well because in the midst of the chaos they live in; they know that routine is something unique, something must be appreciated and valued ... It is crazy but we get excited when the electricity is back after hours of darkness, we take pictures of the full fuel meter in the car after hours waiting in queues to fill the car; which happens that we have a lot of if to export but have a crisis to provide it to the local market!

We are simple people, enjoy basic things in life because we are deprived of them, we learned that no matter how much money we have, or what the position we hold; all this cannot make us live normally so we know money is just a way not a purpose by itself, and accordingly we use it that way.

Many people outside that part of the world fail to understand our lifestyle because for them living in these conditions is unimaginable; so better to stop trying to understand us; you need to be there and to experience certain feelings to be able to understand us,
Simply, our life is just a rollercoaster we do not control, we have the choice either to enjoy it and go with it, or cry and scream the whole ride, and it is a long long ride you enjoy your whole life because of you are doomed to be born in the dark warm soil of Yemen.


  1. I like how you have expressed the "bitter sweet" aspects of Yemeni lifestyle. I feel that if Yemeni people are strong enough to "choose" to enjoy every moment they live, despite the precarious conditions of the country, they are strong enough to do a lot more things to make their lives even better.

    P.S.: Nice blog. I stumbled upon it while browsing the net, long time back. And I added it to my "reading list".

  2. Soeleen, Thank you so much for your comments it really means a lot when someone take the time and drop few lines.
    I am really glad that my writings touched your feelings, I hope I will find more to write more.
    Much appreciated
