Sunday, April 6, 2014


Humans; the most complicated mechanism we deal with, not only filled with contradictions and puzzles, but sometimes even we are unable to understand ourselves, still we require the others to understand us and act according to what we have in our minds, sometimes without even clarification or any way of communication and then when others act according to their own senses and impulses we claim that we been treated unfairly and people are insensitive to our needs and requirements! The fascinating part is not this but totally the opposite, when some of us try to communicate and end up by complicating things more, though it is totally painful and sad but I can’t help myself but laughing at the fact that we are so messed up to the limit that despite the technologies and languages …etc still unable to communicate properly.
Through the pursue of new philosophies and ideas we started to complicate our own lives terribly, during our search for utopia we created the world of confusion, and the ideas that were supposed to unit use become the fuel to our disputes, we started to call things differently, we started to drift from our simple nature, and “primitive” started to be associated with everything negative or unsophisticated. We claim that we are more intelligent than we used to be and the newer version of us are better but a close look at the world back then and now can sum up the whole argument; the human of these days is way less happy and satisfied with what he has, more violent and more evil …. While the primitive human was happy, satisfied and less violent and lived in harmony with its surroundings, so how our pursuit for perfection turned to the worst nightmare ever, how the most idealistic concepts turned to be evil and incoherent with reality? Does our desire for idealism created unbalanced world, accordingly unstable humans’ psychology that got lost between idealism and reality? Most importantly, how this confusion messed up our mindset?

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