Thursday, August 3, 2017


             Everything comes to an end; good or bad, long or short it has to come to an end. Time keeps running and we keep chasing time, not consciously realizing that we ourselves will come to an end one day! We run and run behind illusions, ideologies and many promises. We forgot who we are and in so many times we lost the ability even to recognize ourselves, our needs or even our own desires. We developed, grew and got smarter for sure but we lost definitely our primitive identity, recognition and in so many times even our orientation.

          Everything is hazy, has no soul and definitely grey as fuck today. No reason, no logic, and no feelings. We are turning to live robots that have fucked up itself in the promise of finding a better life. Wasting the one life that we know of, in the sake of an uncertain duplicate, mediocrity or tempting mirage. We are throwing away certainty to end up on the lap of deceptions, delusions, and fantasies that were fed to us over and over again. Having faith in everything except our own authentic uncorrupted self.

          Everything is a belief, and faith is everything. But we choose to give up that power, throw it away and leave ourselves exposed and powerless for the law of probability and coincidence. Just to run away from our responsibility of making our own mistakes, failures or even choices. We gave and giving up every day the one most valuable thing we genuinely possess for the possession of useless material shit; that will never fill the void left by the loss of our freedom while running in the marathon of "I want more" to reach "I need a bit more" to finally reach "I regret this" destination, when it is too late to take a detour.

            Everything speaks less loud than regrets. Nothing hurts more than the chances we didn't take. And no more waste than unlived life; a life that has been wasted on all the wrong things, to please anyone else but ourselves.  If you will ask me the only thing that lives forever I would definitely say regrets, they consume us every second, since the day we realize them until the day we die; and most probably even beyond death. Life is worthless, we are the only ones able to put a price tag on our own. Some will have a rich life by challenging all they were programmed to do,  some will keep it worthless by being just to be, but the worst will fill it with regrets.

As Bukowski said:

“My dear,
Find what you love and let it kill you.
Let it drain you of your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness.
Let it kill you and let it devour your remains.
For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it’s much better to be killed by a lover.”

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