Sunday, June 14, 2015

When I fell in love with Satan!

Satan, the devil, Lucifer whatever you will call him he is a representation of pure evil and gained a reputation of the ultimate enemy of humans. Recently I am defending him so much and use the name (Satan or Devil) to describe anyone I associate with one of his impressive characteristics.  That wasn’t always the case, I as well for so many years considered Satan as my enemy but for me the idea of him influencing my decisions didn’t seem right, because as a person who takes the full the responsibility of their actions that felt so illogical and unfair, and only then I started my journey of appreciation and respect for this imaginary character.

All Abrahamic religions consider Satan as the enemy that we don’t see yet so sure he exists somewhere, he is so powerful to convince us do things we shouldn’t do and the character challenges all type of authority when he knows he is right, he as well so damn brave to ask for the respect he thinks entitled for based on logical facts (at least based on Quran stories) for me looking at these characteristics make me respect Satan so much and stand in his side.

He is the rebel who said no to God when he felt he didn’t get the respect and appreciation he deserves, he said no to bowing for Adam because he believed that as an angel (who back then was obeying God) who was created of fire have a better position than the human who was created from mud and didn’t do anything impressive so far to gain that position; why we didn’t question that and why it was so bad to stand for himself and ask for the respect he deserves, why he should take the orders from God even when they made no sense to him and never put God’s authority into question? Isn’t that the character we appreciated so much in so many rebels and leaders in our daily life? So why when our holy books painted the same picture differently we took it without questioning and believed in it as if we were there when Satan refused to bow to Adam and offended us all!

He is the charming coach who make you reach your desires and achieve your goals, logically speaking you have the ideas already in your mind all Satan does is to make them more appealing to you and make it harder to resist going and achieving them without having a direct benefit of all this time he spent wasting on you, so technically speaking he just is the personal coach you need to achieve what you already have in mind (good or bad) so why to blame him for you poor choice instead of praising his rather impressive influencing skills!!!

He is that modest yet so confident character we all love, admit it or not; he is so sure of himself and able to influence us all, yet he rather stays in the shadow, with no appearance, no red carpet, and no publicity. He is the go do it guy and wait for no appreciation for whatever he does, to the contrary he knows after convincing, you do what you already wanted to do but was so coward to do it, you will blame him and say he was your excuse for disobeying God yet he always there for you whispering to you whenever you need extra motivation.

So many examples and so many situations I can state here to prove that Satan is not the enemy we need to hate rather a distraction for all the flaws and the weakness we have; we always in need of an excuse to rely on when things go bad and instead of taking the responsibility of our actions we blame them on the impressive character that we all wish to be!

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