Monday, June 22, 2020



My dear, when someone tells you that they want you to take it slow, they are ok with keeping it casual, they are not ready for a serious relationship, or whatever reason they give you. Just wish them the best of luck and leave.

People are not a challenge, lost soul, or need saving ... just let them be. If a person tells you they are not the one for you; almost all the time they are probably right. It is not your fault; and definitely, there is nothing on earth you can do to change their mind.

We all like to be a hero, or feel like we are special for someone to change for us, but trust me a person who doesn't feel you are not the one worth fighting for. You are a hero every fucking day because you still decide to wear your heart on your sleeve. You are special because you give from yourself to everyone you care for without asking for much back. 

Don't think of them as the enemy either. They are human and they need love too, it is just most of the time people don't fall in love with each other at the same time and people fall in love with what they deeply need, not with what seems perfect.

Darling, you deserve to be loved unconditionally. You are worthy of undivided attention. And you will have that sooner than later, not because you are perfect but because we all find someone to love, and love us back, just at the right time. Have some faith!

Just remember, you are not entitled to anything because you are a woman. Don't use your femininity to victimize yourself. You are as powerful as you allow yourself to be but this power affects you and YOU ONLY.

The same for you dear man, you are not entitled to anything because you are a man. Don’t use your masculinity to justify your indifference.  You are powerful as you allow yourself to show emotions and care deeply without limits. A real assured man is not afraid of gentleness and it will never be taken as weakness.

First love yourself, it is impossible to be loved by someone if you don't have the love from within. It is not an occult equation; an empty vase can't keep beautiful flowers alive. Healthy love comes from self-acceptance, understanding, and mindfulness. Take your time, good things worth waiting for.

Finally, my sweethearts remember, if it is easy it isn't worth it. That's why true love is rare to find. It is hidden within YOU. First, discover yourself and love yourself mindfully and unconditionally. You are the seed of true love and no other person can give you what you can't give yourself.