Thursday, January 21, 2016

Talking "no possession" in material world

One of my problems in today’s life is the lack of balance in everything, the constant urge to belong to one of the extremes just to feel different, unique and have a stand in life, living ostensibly by the poplar trends without much thought on the relevance of these trends to our true nature which creates way too much fanaticism.

One of my extreme torments that stems from this ideology, is my deep belief on "no possession philosophy" in such material world, which really torn me for long years to two persons; one enjoy every bit of materialism and want to possess whatever desires and the other wants to own as little as needs to enjoy life and have a suitable enjoyable life; no more no less than that. But how to find the middle ground to this in a world infected with ownership and possession frenzy.

Maybe my biggest problem with the world is not the desire to possess or own material objects - it is a problem but not the biggest so far - but my deepest fear is that the frenzy expanded to include our desire to possess and own living objects like animals, and even humans, and honestly the latter is the most catastrophic form of ownership and possession obsession, we created systems and processes to normalize that and even legitimize it making it the norm of our human interactions.

If we look objectively to almost all human relationships we can find it is governed by some form of either possession, ownership or both. A good and very early example for that is our relationship with our parents, when we are born we are registered to belong to our parents and they literally possess legal rights to us until we are “adult enough” to handle our OWN BEING.

Another marvelous example is marriage; it does simply turn two loving human being to property that belongs to one another, not giving ownership right (marriage agreement) to each other alone but supported by social norms creating the worst of all possession cages, where couple under the ownership agreement feel entitled to invade the darkest corner of the other person individuality ripping it off to pieces in claims of “sharing” and “building life together”.

A different type of involuntarily ownership agreement is citizenship; you are born in a country you didn’t choose and given the passport that proves that you belong to there even if you don’t really BELONG to there or anywhere in matter of fact, giving your government the right to make laws and force you by them to do things, anything that was decided by other people who lived in different time, had different background and don’t have a clue about YOU as unique entity.

I can keep listing hundreds of these possession and ownership agreements that were imposed on us and normalized under so many different names and concepts, I can criticize lots of our despicable social norms but that’s not the point of this whole thinking process. My main purpose is to question and find the answers; at least my answers.

Why we can’t have a functional human interaction with whoever surround us without any desire to impose our beliefs or values on them? Why we can’t love our children without stamping them the moment they are born with our religion, identity and values, make them feel bad for having their own self, their own being.

Why we allow organized institutions to tell us how love should look like, or how our human interactions should be? Why we go with the flow even when we don’t feel like it just to feel part of something?

And why we don’t question anything these institutions impose on us, why we don’t think for ourselves and create what is suitable for us as “unique entity” and an extraordinary universe. Why we don’t rebel against the order, against the rules and against everything that doesn’t live in peace with our distinctive being?

And most importantly, why we feel the need to own anything or anyone to feel safe? Life is temporary and feelings are not permanent; so I wonder why we waste our whole lives to feel empty again and again, to surrender to values and concepts proved over and over again that they are flawed creating an ugly life, and ugly humans and sabotaged world!